Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Wow it's been a long time since I posted to my blog but here is a little update of what I have been working on.  Juliana has been sick today so I stayed home with her today and got some stitching done.  It doesn't look much but I haven't been in a stitching mood lately so I am proud of what I got done.

 I started a new quilt square for Quilts for Adults and Older Children.  They are going to make a quilt of Kitty Alphabet squares and I am doing the letter H.  The picture on the left is what it should look like. 
 This picture here is what I got done so far - I know not much but a great start for
me and I plan on working on it some more this evening if the cats will let me stitch.  They seem to find my lap as soon as I get on the computer or sit down to stitch.
 This is an update of the wedding sampler that I am making for my niece who is getting married in March.  I really need to get busy on it and get it finished.  Time is going so fast March will be here before I know it. 

I don't know why but I just can't seem to get into stitching this year and I have hardly had any finishes.  But now that the weather is changing and its dark when I get home from work maybe I will stitch a little more.    When I look at my goals for 2010 I am so far behind!!!

On a personal front I am now officially divorced - I feel so much better now and the stress is gone.


  1. Very Cute! Glad to see you stitching again! :)

  2. Very cute! Could it be you haven't been feeling like cross-stitching because of all the stress? Now that your divorce is finalized, maybe you'll feel more like stitching :)

  3. Glad your stress has been eased. Great start on your stitching :-)
